Bridges to Prosperity Northern Illinois expresses our heartfelt gratitude to Life Decisions for their continued dedication to partnering with us to host Getting Ahead classes. These classes play a crucial role in helping those they mentor examine the profound impact that living in poverty and a poverty mindset can have on their lives.

We’d like to give a special thanks to Facilitators Ali and Amaya, who tirelessly guide the participants. Through their efforts, they continue to make a significant difference in the lives of young people, helping them get back on track, avoid trouble, and reach healthy, fulfilling adulthood.

We are incredibly proud of the Getting Ahead graduates, who are achieving remarkable results and are creating brighter futures for themselves.

Getting Ahead participants learn that financial resources are just one area of resource in everyone’s life. They complete an extensive assessment of their resources in key areas and learn how to leverage areas where they are lower in resource with areas where they are higher.  The participants also learn about tools and strategies to increase life stability, and they write their own plan for self-sufficiency.

The graduates are dedicated to putting in the work to improve their lives and invest in their future success, of the Life Decisions graduates in 2024:  63% indicated an increase in income, 46% had a decrease in debt, 76% noted an increase in education and 41% noted a decrease in the need for state or federal benefits.  Additional outcomes include: 93% made progress on the goal areas they set at the beginning of the
classes and also identified additional tools or resources to support them in reaching their goals. What we feel is a true testament to the classes is that 100% of the participants would recommend the class to others. 

We asked the graduates what they have done differently as a result of the class, they responded: planning for my future, gained additional knowledge, learned to controlled my anger, managing my time better, more self-aware and have a vision for where I want to be, started caring about myself, focusing more, I’m better at communicating, saved more money and started budgeting, stopped doubting myself and took steps to move forward in my life.

The charts below indicate the areas of Resource and Stability that the graduates indicated increases in over 10 weeks of classes. Learn more about Life Decisions at